People who back Trump are very upset about the List from Jeffrey Epstein

They always go after Trump when they want to hide their tracks.

There will soon be court documents released about the dishonored financier Jeffrey Epstein, who died in prison while waiting to be tried on federal sex trafficking charges. These documents are causing a lot of worry among Trump supporters, who are getting ready for the possibility that his name will be in them.

People on social media and NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers have been guessing that the new information will be a “list” of customers or Epstein’s helpers. However, the Associated Press says, “There is no such list, and the truth is less scandalous.” Instead, the papers that will be made public come from a defamation suit that one of Epstein’s victims, Virginia Giuffre, filed against Epstein associate Ghislaine Maxwell. Maxwell is currently serving a 20-year sentence.

In other court cases, some records have been made public, either all at once or in part. A lot of the rest are about people and events that have been extensively covered in newspaper articles, TV documentaries, interviews, books, and evidence at Maxwell’s criminal trial over the past 20 years.

People who were accused of Epstein are among those named in the records. These include members of his staff who told their stories to tabloid newspapers, witnesses at Maxwell’s trial, people who were mentioned in passing during depositions but aren’t accused of anything bad, and prosecutors, a journalist, and a detective who looked into Epstein.

There are also the names in bold of famous people who are known to have been linked to Epstein over the years, but whose connections with him have been well-documented elsewhere, the judge said.

Still, people who back the former president have been twisting their words to avoid explaining why his name might be in the documents. The New Republic reported on Wednesday that a user on X told his friends, “High chance that Donald Trump’s name will be in the Epstein filings.” The old media and people with TDS will say this isn’t true because he willingly testified against Epstein when asked, and they’ll say that this makes him a pervert.

“They” are going to go after Trump for something “to bury the Epstein document dump and all the pedophiles on it,” wrote conservative commentator Tomi Lahren. “Every time they want to cover their tracks, they go after Trump.” Alex Jones, a conspiracy believer, said that Trump would never go to “Epstein Island,” where many of Epstein’s crimes are said to have happened because he is such a gentleman and monogamist.

Jones said, “He devotes himself to one woman at a time, becomes totally obsessed with them and totally nice to them.” Jones didn’t say that Trump is about to go on trial for reportedly paying a porn star money to keep quiet about an affair they had.

Trump has said before that he likes Epstein. In 2002, he told New York, “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years.” Great person. It’s fun to hang out with him. Some say he likes pretty women just as much as I do, and a lot of them are younger. The New York Times says that ten years ago, Trump told Florida businessman George Houraney to hold a “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago. Once 28 women had signed up, Trump told Houraney that the only other guests were “him and Epstein.” In a video from the same year,

the two guys are seen having fun at the Palm Beach resort with Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins cheerleaders. After that, the two men kept being friendly for more than ten years, reportedly having dinner at Epstein’s mansion and going to many of the same dinner parties. Mark Epstein, Epstein’s brother, said that Trump would pay for Epstein’s mother and aunt to stay at one of his Atlantic City casino hotels and flew on Epstein’s private jet many times. A person who saw both men said to The Washington Post,

They were tight and they were each other’s wingmen. After that, they allegedly got into a fight over a real estate deal. Reporters asked Trump in the Oval Office in 2019 if he had talked to Epstein in about 15 years. Trump said, “I was not a fan of his, for sure.

Credit: by Google Trends

court order lets New Albany millionaire Leslie H. Wexner off the list of people who worked with Jeffrey Epstein.
court order lets New Albany millionaire Leslie H. Wexner off the list of people who worked with Jeffrey Epstein.

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