Deciphering the Beginnings of Life: Investigating Autocatalytic

For a long time, scientists have been fascinated by the mysteries surrounding the origin of life on Earth. According to one widely accepted theory, RNA was a crucial molecule before DNA-based life emerged. Remarkably, RNA can replicate itself and catalyze essential chemical reactions that are necessary for life as we know it. Nevertheless, the question of how ribonucleotides, the building blocks of RNA, could have assembled and formed on Earth billions of years ago has long baffled scientists.

In an effort to find answers,

Deciphering the Beginnings of Life: Investigating Autocatalytic
Deciphering the Beginnings of Life: Investigating Autocatalytic, image credit by Google

Researchers experimented in their study by adding cyanamide,


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  • fadh2 is produced in glycolysis to be used in pyruvate oxidation.
  • student a says the δ h value of an exothermic energy change is always positive. student b says δ h value of an exothermic energy change is always negative. who is correct?
  • what term is used to describe a situation in which the energy released from one reaction provides the energy required for another reaction?
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  • as a short cut, many biologists state that the phosphate-phosphate bonds in atp are high energy. in fact, the phosphate-phosphate bonds are not notably high in energy. rather, they are easy to break, and the negative δg of hydrolysis is a useful quantity of energy that can be used to do work. what makes the phosphate bonds easy to break?
  • the energy currency used by cells is __.
  • based on what you know of atp’s chemistry, which of the following has functions similar to atp?
  • in which compartment of the plant cell do the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis take place?
  • select the statement that correctly explains the source of the energy change in a chemical reaction.
  • which of the following processes does not involve redox reactions? select only one answer choice.
  • glycolysis is not regulated since it is an ancient atp producing pathway that is shared among all living organisms.
  • glucose is reduced in cellular respiration whereby the energy released is transformed to the chemical bonds in atp.
  • which of the following structures is not a component of a photosystem?
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  • any wavelength of light can be captured by pigments on plants and converted to chemical energy.
  • select all of the statements that correctly describe bond enthalpies.

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