Samuel L. Jackson Opens Up About Milestones and Magic Moments

Beloved actor Samuel L. Jackson recently appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, where he discussed reaching age 75, his epic annual vacations with friend Magic Johnson, and the upcoming 30th anniversary of his classic film Pulp Fiction.

Rubbing Shoulders with Magic

Jackson revealed that he takes lavish yearly trips with Johnson and their friend John Palmer. When fans approach, Jackson sometimes pretends to be their security guard:

“I could have my hat, my sunglasses and my mask on and I pretended to be security.”

Amusingly, Palmer also gets mistaken for the star:

“He’s black and bald so they think he’s me. So he signs a lot of autographs and takes a lot of pictures too.”

Though these trips look glamorous on Instagram, Jackson insisted he’s never actually been invited. Referencing a vineyard photo, Jackson joked:

Samuel L. Jackson on Vacations with Magic Johnson, Turning 75 & Pulp Fiction’s 30th Anniversary

“That was actually a horse ranch. They planted the grapes and hung grapes on them…and I had about 9,000 grapes that day.”

Milestones: 75 Years Young

Jackson just celebrated his 75th birthday on December 21. When asked how he commemorated the big day, Jackson revealed it was low-key:

“I had a sushi meal with my, my team.”

And did Magic get him a gift? Jackson wasn’t sure:

“I’m sure they did. You just don’t remember.”

Though he’s now eligible for senior discounts, Jackson reports he’s still being offered interesting roles, saying:

“It depends on when you go back to Coming to America and stuff like that.”

The Anniversary of a Masterpiece

2024 marks the 30th anniversary of Jackson’s iconic film Pulp Fiction. When asked if any celebrations are planned, Jackson said simply:

“No. No.”

But Jackson did receive a special surprise reunion on the show, when Colbert presented him with a replica of the famed briefcase from the film. Jackson revived one of his classic lines for the audience:

“And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.”

By the Numbers

In his decades-long career, Samuel L. Jackson has amassed some serious stats:

  • 200+ – Number of films Jackson has acted in
  • 9,000 – Reported number of grapes Jackson ate filming a vineyard scene
  • 75 – Jackson’s age as of December 2022
  • 30 – Upcoming anniversary of Pulp Fiction in 2024

After nearly 50 years in cinema, Samuel L. Jackson remains an vibrant, prolific icon. Whether chronicling his travels with Magic Johnson or reminiscing on his most legendary roles, Jackson continues to captivate audiences.

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