Netflix Shocks Wrestling World:  In a landmark $5+ billion deal, Netflix secures the streaming rights to WWE's flagship program, Raw, starting in 2025. This major shift ends Raw's 31-year run on traditional TV.

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More Than Just Raw:  The deal extends beyond Raw, granting Netflix streaming rights to all WWE shows and specials (except in the US), including SmackDown, NXT, and premium live events like WrestleMania and SummerSlam.

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Live Streaming Gamble:  This bold move marks Netflix's entry into live sports, a potential game-changer for both streaming and pro wrestling, capitalizing on WWE's dedicated fanbase and Netflix's global reach.

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Uncertainties Remain Questions about how live Raw streaming will affect production and viewership, particularly for international fans adapting to the shift.

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Global Wrestling Platform:  Netflix offers WWE an unmatched stage to showcase its stars and stories to a worldwide audience.

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New Revenue Streams:  The deal unlocks lucrative opportunities for WWE through global streaming rights and potential content creation partnerships with Netflix.

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Streaming Future Beckons:  This landmark deal signifies a significant shift towards a future where pro wrestling thrives on streaming platforms, paving the way for further innovation and audience engagement.

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