"Perfect Days," directed by Wim Wenders, is a sublime film set in Tokyo, focusing on the character Hirayama's daily routine of cleaning public toilets.

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Kôji Yakusho's portrayal of Hirayama is the film's centerpiece, conveying gratitude and warmth through subtle expressions in a quiet, quotidian narrative.

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Wenders, known for his preference for troubled loners, captures the beauty and meaning in everyday living, reminiscent of his earlier work "Wings of Desire."

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The film embraces a minimalist approach, following Hirayama's routine with attention to detail, such as his selection of music while driving through Tokyo.

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Hirayama's love for trees, routine lunch breaks capturing light through branches, and nurturing seedlings at home showcase his serene, monastic existence.

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Despite the introduction of family members later in the film, "Perfect Days" remains largely uncluttered, inviting viewers to ponder Hirayama's contemplative life.

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Wenders, inspired by Tokyo's exquisite public toilets, uses them as a symbol of civic good, mirroring Hirayama's dedication as a custodian in both life and work.

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