In the early hours of Wednesday, chaos unfolded in Dungannon, County Tyrone, when a car forcefully collided with a police patrol vehicle, leaving two officers injured.
The 20-year-old driver responsible for the collision was swiftly apprehended at the scene by law enforcement.
The incident occurred along Killyman Road around 02:00 BST, resulting in significant damage to the police car.
The driver of the patrol car required immediate hospital treatment, while the officer on the passenger side suffered a leg injury.
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) reported that the situation escalated when a police patrol car signaled for the BMW to stop. Instead, the BMW accelerated at high speed and crashed into a second stationary police vehicle at the junction of Far Circular Road.
As a result of this reckless action, the 20-year-old individual now faces multiple charges, including dangerous driving, lacking insurance,
and driving without a valid license. He remains in police custody as the investigation unfolds.