Britain's peculiar resistance to herring-eating returns to the Transformation, which composes Graeme Rigby

It's extraordinary that herring, the lord of fishes, is finally a moving dish with top gourmet specialists (Rebound Kipper:

the fall and ascent of England's #1 breakfast fish, 4 November). Burnt mackerel doth not come close.

Be that as it may, Britain's odd resistance to herring-eating returns to the Transformation at any rate - well-known Protestantism

was established less in knotty inquiries regarding change than hatred of fasting.

The Herring Business Board, set up in 1935, frantically attempted to foster a home market, however, fizzled. At the point when in 1937 MPs talked about giving overflow salt herring to poor people,

Walter Elliot, the then priest of agribusiness, said: "You can't take care of necessitous kids on crude salt herring. I can not envision anything that would disturb a youngster more.

It's a magnificent fish - new, salted, kippered, bloated, buckling, vinegar-cured, red, silver or brilliant.

It would be great on the off chance that Britain's standard proprietors hadn't sold 95% of it to the Dutch, however, perhaps they just couldn't sell it here. Come on, Britain. Graeme Rigby