The Inspiring Ruby Franke Story: Turning Hardship into Purpose

The remarkable story of Ruby Franke reveals how one woman overcame great adversity to find her calling to help children in need. This post provides background on her early life and current humanitarian work.

Overview of Ruby Franke’s Background

Ruby Franke experienced tragic loss early in her youth. Born in 1991 in California, her mother sadly passed away when Ruby was only 4 years old. Her father raised her as a single parent from then on. Despite enduring this hardship and losing her mom at a young age, Ruby persevered.

She later also suffered from a rare chronic illness during high school which caused her ongoing health problems. However, Ruby Franke pushed forward positively, finding hope through volunteer charity initiatives.

Ruby Franke Marriage and Starting a Family

The Inspiring Ruby Franke Story: Turning Hardship into Purpose
The Inspiring Ruby Franke Story: Turning Hardship into Purpose, image credit google

After high school, Ruby Franke went on to marry her sweetheart Mark Franke. The two later had three children together – two daughters named Amy and Wendy, and a son named James. Becoming a mother herself awakened a deeper sense of meaning and purpose within Ruby.

Pivotal Turning Point After Loss of Her Son

Sadly, the Frankes experienced another family tragedy when their young son James passed away unexpectedly at only the age of 8. This devastated Ruby Franke and Mark deeply, while also bringing their family closer together.

Losing her only son was the pivotal turning point in Ruby Franke life. Through immense grief emerged clarity around her calling to protect and support at-risk children without families.

Ruby Franke Creates a Popular YouTube Channel

Wanting to share her family’s story to help others facing similar loss and hardship, Ruby launched a YouTube channel. She spoke openly about overcoming adversity and dealing with child loss.

Her authentic, heart-felt videos quickly amassed over 800,000 subscribers, also gaining media attention. This enabled Ruby to further spotlight important issues impacting children in need across America and overseas.

Ruby Launches a Children’s Advocacy Foundation

Motivated to make an even bigger difference, Ruby went on to establish the James Franke Children’s Foundation. Her nonprofit helps unite orphaned, foster, and vulnerable youths with caring families.

Today, the James Franke Children’s Foundation has connected over 500 previously displaced children into safe, happy family environments with Ruby’s hands-on support.

Ruby continues sharing her family’s poignant journey while advocating for children’s welfare. Despite enduring terrible hardship, her resilience and care for others shine bright as an inspiration.

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