Alan Cumming Gets Candid About Pressure of Style Trailblazer Status

Alan Cumming,

Acclaimed actor Alan Cumming recently opened up about both the joy and challenges of being regarded as an edgy fashion icon within the entertainment industry. While relishing his bold creative expression, Cumming admitted expectations to constantly wow style-wise feels daunting.

Leaning Into Boundary-Pushing Fashion Freedom

In an interview with People magazine, Cumming discussed his adventurous fashion perspective. “Each time we go into it thinking, ‘What can we do?’ There’s pushing the boundaries of what we can get away with,” he revealed about his stylistic process.

Cumming explained he enjoys subverting male norms through standout looks, noting, “I’ve always enjoyed dressing up.” But practicality still plays a role, even when being flashy. “It’s got to be practical in that I’ve got to be able to stomp around Scottish Loch sites,” the Scottish-born performer added, alluding to his hosting duties on reality competition series The Traitors.

Feeling Burden of High Fashion Expectations

However, Cumming confessed that the pressure to meet larger-than-life style standards weighs on him at times as an established fashion trailblazer, especially as he gets older.

“It’s great being a fashion icon, but it’s also a bit of pressure. Where do I go from here? Will I just be drenched in tartan capes for the rest of my life?” he joked.

While relishing the chance to creatively challenge gender norms and established rules through his inspired designer ensembles, Alan Cumming feels conscious of expectations to continually up the ante on red carpets. But it seems his passion for fearless personal style remains greater than any apprehension.

Cumming will likely continue to swing for the fences with show-stopping looks playing with texture, color and silhouette. But he’ll do so by acknowledging both the blast of expression and persistent pressures tied to his bold fashion icon status.

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