Jennifer Lopez Moved by Ben Affleck’s Love and Support

Jennifer Lopez

In her new documentary “Halftime,” Jennifer Lopez becomes emotional while discussing her husband Ben Affleck’s profound impact on her self-image and confidence. Lopez says Affleck helped transform how she sees herself by reinforcing her inherent worth.

Ben’s Love Unlocked Jennifer Lopez’s Self-Love

During an intimate scene in the film, a tearful Jennifer Lopez credits Ben Affleck for instilling new self-belief after years of personal doubts. “What he said and what he saw in me, and what he made me believe about myself, only comes from love,” Lopez stated.

She confessed “Because nobody else could have made me see that about myself. It’s very moving.” Affleck’s steadfast adoration resonated, unlike any past relationship for Jennifer Lopez.

Jennifer Didn’t Value Herself Before Ben

Expanding on her revelation, Lopez admitted: “That I didn’t think much about myself and so the world didn’t think much of me. That lined up. This is how it is. See it. Believe it.”

So despite being a global superstar, Jennifer still struggled internally with self-worth, not realizing her talent and brilliance. But Ben’s loving words opened her eyes to recognize her gifts.

Ben Believed in Jennifer When She Didn’t

What makes Ben Affleck’s impact on Jennifer Lopez so profound is how he cherished attributes she previously discounted in herself. His bold affirmation of Jennifer’s qualities convinced her to embrace them too.

In bridging this major self-acceptance hurdle, Ben unlocked years of suppressed self-love within his future wife. The positive transformation clearly overwhelms Jennifer with gratitude.

Last Thoughts

Through raw honesty in her documentary “Halftime,” Jennifer Lopez highlights emotional healing thanks to Ben Affleck seeing her whole humanity. His patient, accepting love fundamentally shifted Jennifer’s self-perception to ignite new confidence moving forward.

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