Lewiston Maine confirm at least 18 dead | Lewiston Maine – hotels in Lewiston Maine

we’re coming on the air with breaking news about to deliver a press conference about that deadly mass shooting right here. Last night. At least 16 people were killed dozens more were injured

As you all knew uh last night, locals, county state,

federal law enforcement officers from around the state of Maine responded to reports of an active shooter at several locations in Lewiston, including spare time, recreation, and S Mandy’s bar and Grill. These law enforcement officers in the face of danger responded swiftly selflessly and with great bravery, bravery that they continue to demonstrate today as they search tire tirelessly for a person of interest in connection with last night’s events.

Lewiston Maine
Lewiston Maine

President Biden For the next five years.

Maine state police have issued a shelter-in-place. Order for Lewiston Lisbon and Bowden as the manhunt for that person of interest Robert Card of Bowden continues. But Mr Carr is considered armed and dangerous and police advise that Maine people should not approach him under any circumstances. Please, if you see anything suspicious, please call 911. There are still many things police don’t yet know about these attacks, but the full weight of the administration is behind law enforcement’s efforts to capture the person of interest Robert Carr to hold whoever is responsible for this atrocity accountable under the full force of state and federal law and to seek full justice for the victims and their families.

The need to help communities heal.

If you or a person you love, need someone to talk to during this difficult time. Please call or text 988 for free and confidential counseling. 988. Look, Lewiston is a special place. It’s a close-knit community with a long history of hard work persistence faith, of opening its big heart to people everywhere. as is every one of the 1.3 million people of this beautiful state. This city did not deserve this terrible assault on its citizens, on its peace of mind, on its sense of security. No city does no state, no people, no words can truly or fully measure the grief of many people today. small state of just 1.3 million people has long been known as one of the safest states in the nation. This attack strikes at the very heart of who we are and the values we hold dear for this precious place we call home.

All main people are sharing in the sorrow of the families who lost loved ones last night,

loved ones, normal people who were killed or injured while unwinding from a day of work or while spending time with their family or friends socializing. So on behalf of the 1.3 million people of the whole State of Maine,

You will need to lean on those qualities more than ever before as we move forward. Struggling as we may let us wrap our arms around one another, offer comfort and solace and love.

Lewiston Maine
Lewiston Maine
Lewiston Maine
Lewiston Maine

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