Director Andrew Davis explains why films like The Fugitive are no longer produced

Director Andrew Davis explains why films like The Fugitive are no longer produced

Director Andrew Davis explains why films like The Fugitive are no longer produced

Thirty years after his Oscar-winning hit, the director examines the high-stress atmosphere that produced some of its most iconic artistic decisions.

Occasionally, someone will bemoan on social media as to why films such as The Fugitive are no longer produced. In fact, the decline in adult-oriented crime dramas and thrillers predates the blockbuster craze of the last fifteen years, according to Fugitive director Andrew Davis.

Davis achieved a unique achievement with the film,

Can you get this thing out by August 6th?

Warner Bros. distribution chief Barry Reardon asked. Davis remembers. “I would move from room to room with the six editors—three of whom were main editors. I checked in on each patient as if I were at a dentist’s office. And after that, we were detested by all, who said, “Well, if The Fugitive could do it in ten weeks, why can’t you?” The studio told us not to touch anything after we showed them the movie. We adore it.

Below, in a recent interview with THR, Davis also talks about filming the Chicago St. Patrick’s Day event and the one occasion when Ford had to wear a fake beard. parade scene on the fly.

Director Andrew Davis explains why films like The Fugitive are no longer produced

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